Friday, November 16, 2007


GOD gives Mankind 24 hours a day 7 days a week 52 weeks a year and after that then He gives us ETERNITY but yet Mankind has no time for God
God gives us Eternal Time but we have no time for God

God's Existence

If God did not exist then Man would be the most unfortunate creature on the planet because he would be the only ANIMAL (If man has no soul he is just an intelligent animal) who could dream of eternal life but yet know he would never have it, the other "animals" because of their small inteligence don't know what they are missing!
If God did not exist then Man has evolved too much!

New Commandment



God created the Universe so long ago in order to help us to understand how OLD He is!
He created the Universe so Big in order to help us to understand how BIG He IS!

Sacred Heart of Jesus

When you love someone and they do not want to believe that you love them it causes you a lot of Pain in your heart
it is the same with Jesus, his Heart burns with infinite Love for each of us and so many reject His love or do not believe He
loves us and so His Heart is pierced with a painful crown of thorns.

Inventor and inventions

How can an invention be so foolish that it rejects it's Inventor!
People who deny that God exists are like that.

"Head on the block" and Great Mercy

It is a great act of Mercy when God allows your worst enemy to fall into your power

(As if they put their head on the execution block and you can CHOP!)
but you refuse to take vengeance, "Vengeance is Mine" said God in (Deuteronomy 32:35) so let God
deal with your enemies but you can pray and hope that they will repent themselves so that God will not have to punish them.
A great example of this is when David was being persecuted and on the run from King Saul and one day God put a
deep sleep on Saul's camp which allowed David and some of his men to enter Saul's tent as he was asleep and rob
his spear and leave safely. One of David's men had urged David to kill Saul because he said God had put him in his
power but David being a man of Mercy realised that God put Saul in his power for David to have Mercy on him as God had
Mercy on David every day of his life. God has mercy on each of us everyday by not
punishing us for our sins and for forgiving us when we repent of our sins! so we should always be merciful to others.
In a sense God has all the demons that exist in His power or on His "block" and He could at any time
"CHOP" them out of existence! That is probably why satan and all the demons have a dreadful fear of God.

Safer to believe in God or not?

A friend named Debbie from Boston told us that her father always told her when we die that it is safer to have believed in God and so to have been a good person than not to have believed in God and been a bad person only to realise too late that God does really exist!

Pennies from heaven!

Most people will pick up a lost coin from the ground but at every moment of our lives we can simply pick up priceless graces from Heaven for ourselves or others by simply praying! we can pick up and save souls that were destined to be lost by simply praying.

Endeavour and Persevere

"Endeavour, for ever and ever and ever endeavour!"
"It is better to be Persevering than to be a severe person!

Food poison and Fire hazards

We are all careful not to get food poison and we take precautions to prevent fires
but we are not so careful about the spiritual food poisons of the Seven deadly sins of Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Anger, Greed and Sloth.
Our hearts can be on Fire with hatred or with Love and we can receive all of these things from our friends! We should be careful of the type of friends we have and our children have because friends can have a great good or bad invisible influence on us.

Human evil necessary?

Human evil is never necessary, God did not need the Pharisees or chief priests to kill Jesus, Jesus could have suffered from some wild animal or some disease or even have allowed some demons to attack Him and also only one drop of His blood was necessary to save ALL mankind!

"Bright Eyes" song (Art Garfunkel) and Jesus lying dead in the arms of Mary at the foot of the Cross

"Bright eyes, burning like fire

Bright eyes, how can you close and fail?

How can the light that burned so brightly,

Suddenly burn so pale?

Bright eyes

Fortune tellers and mediums

A friend went to a Fortune teller and she was told some truth and some lies
She was told that she would marry someone with a different name than her boyfriend and the breakup of the two of them afterwards nearly ended in suicide so who said they are harmless?

"Father Christmas"

CHRISTMAS DAY is approaching but
please remember that Our Heavenly Father
is the real FATHER CHRISTMAS and the evergreen Christmas Tree with the Presents underneath
is a symbol of the TREE of Jesus' CROSS which gives us the Incredible PRESENT of ETERNAL LIFE. The green Christmas wreath or "Bough of Holly" symbolises our hope for the unfading wreath of Eternal Life


The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is like David's
five stone sling but which he with one stone used to slay Goliath
but which we can use to slow down the
Goliath of God's terrible Justice for the world!

"God's Presence"

If God decided to leave Heaven and to forever live in hell then
Heaven would become hell and hell would become Heaven!

"The Good Samaritan and Peer pressure" (See the Gospel of Luke (10:25–37)

We could pretend that the Good Samaritan was actually a bad Samaritan who was
originally a member of the same group of brigands who beat up the Jew but he
was delayed that day and when he found the Jew his friends had just badly beaten up
he had a change of heart and decided change his life. He left the injured Jew in
the Inn and went off to catch up with his former friends to challenge them to
change their lives also. It is not easy to disagree with our peers and those we allow
to bully us. Bullies never want anyone to disagree with them but Christians have to be
strong but also humble. We have to be careful not to allow our "friends" to bully us into bad
behaviour. Hitler bullied a whole nation into worshipping him and denying the truth.


Death is the meaning of life
But ETERNAL LIFE is the meaning of death

Death Row

Some people think Planet Earth is "Death Row" for all Mankind
and that God is a big executioner

but instead the Earth should be our "Waiting Room" for Eternal BLISS!
and God is our Heavenly "Father Christmas" !


Why "TRUST"?

Perhaps it is because most people do not even "like" the people that they do not "Trust"
so how can they "Love" God if they do not yet even "Like" Him

Alot of people do not TRUST God, especially when tragedies
or problems enter their lives, we fear and do not Trust God because He holds our future in His hands
Trust is a great friendship builder.
Trust always in the Goodness of God.

Most Embarassing day and Responsibility

The Day we die might be the Most embarassing day of our lives
because we might see Jesus face to Face and see all His Love and suffering for us on Calvary
He might show us a multitude of lost souls
for who He had given us the graces necessary to save them
but we failed because of our sinful nature. We will be glad to only have to go to Purgatory!

St Francis of Assisi Prayer for ourselves
LORD, Make me an instrument of Your Peace

Where there is hatred in my heart, Please Sow LOVE

Where there is injury in my heart, Please Sow pardon

Where there is doubt in my heart, Please Sow Faith

Where there is despair in my heart, Please Sow Hope

Where there is darkness in my heart, Please Sow LIGHT

Where there is sadness in my heart, Please Sow JOY

Oh Divine Master

Grant that I may never seek
to be consoled as to Console

to be understood as to understand

to be loved as to Love


It is in Giving that we receive

It is in Pardoning that we are PARDONED

and it is in dying that we are Born to ETERNAL LIFE!


"Actions speak louder than words"
All our actions should speak words of Love and never of hatred

All our actions, even small actions should be words of Love to God

"Too Clever"

Hey! Don't let your Great Intelligence prevent you believing in GOD!

"Funny thing"

Don't Take Life too Seriously!
because One Serious Day You will be Taken from life!

Love God and your neighbour (Relationships) is one of the most important things in Life

2 Verbs
To BE and To DO!

It is not what we Do for God that is important

But what we ARE is what is important to Him

We ARE Human BEINGS before

we can become Human Doings!

Yes, we must DO work

but first we must BE good people.

"Good works" by a bad person is Evil work

"poor or bad work" by a good person can be Good work

Our heart is the Tree and our actions are the fruit

Good trees good fruit

bad trees never good fruit

"Do NOT TAKE and do NOT EAT" becomes "TAKE and EAT"

Before the Fall Adam was told by God not to EAT His fruit on the Tree
and later after God had created Eve Adam must have told her not to Eat the fruit from the Tree.

But in the redemption God asked Jesus the NEW ADAM to GIVE God's DIVINE FRUIT (Himself the SON of GOD) to be EATEN.

Jesus the NEW ADAM then asked the Church which is the NEW EVE to "TAKE and EAT" God's DIVINE FRUIT which is HIMSELF present in the Blessed Sacrament


We all want to sit at the "Right Hand of Power"
but unfortunately it is worldy power we want, Nobody wants to sit on the right hand of Jesus in this life which means being Powerless.
By wanting power we are worshipping satan because all the kingdoms (Big and tiny office ones!) of the world are his. " Worship me and i will give you all these kingdoms" but if we want to be kings we are worshipping satan already.

"You cannot make a Silk Purse

from a Pig's Ear!!!"

But God can! and God does make great Saints out of great sinners

It GLORIFIES HIS MERCY when He makes a great person out of a nobody

Some of the greatest Saints were the greatest sinners

and some of them were absolute nobodys like King David

who from being a shepherd boy became the great King of Israel

or Saint Paul who was once Saul the blind persecutor

or some of the Apostles who were fishermen

or Mary Magdalen from whom Jesus cast out 7 demons

It seems God loves to "Cast the mighty from their thrones and Raise the lowly"

as Mary said in her Magnificat (Luke 1; 52).

It is a fairytale idea like "Cinderella", "The Ugly Duckling!"

or even Rudolph the red Nosed Reindeer! but God is a Real Fairytale Being

and one Day the story of Humankind will end with

"And they all lived HAPPY FOREVER AFTER in HEAVEN"

"Poor God"

Long before Creation God must have looked forward to the time

when He would make creatures (Angels and Humans) who would be free to Love Him or reject Him
He probably did not think that even one of them would reject Him
How disappointed He must be with us, if we deny or reject God we are like an apple that cuts itself off from the Tree that is holding it up
How foolish it is to chose some short earthly pleasure (Money, Sex, Power, etc) instead of Eternal BLISS in HEAVEN

Weight Problems!

If we are not "Pulling our Weight"

or if we are "Pushing our Weight around"
have bigger problems than if we are "Overweight" or "Underweight"!
Lazy people start pushing their weight around when they are tired of pulling their weight!

"So Busy!"

"Lord! I Have so many things to do today!"

"Child, do you want Me to give you this day so that you can try to do them?"

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